The practice will take place next Saturday, July 2nd, at 11.00, at Centre Esplai. Prior registration is required at this link.

 The practice will take place next Saturday, July 2nd, at 11.00, at Centre Esplai. Prior registration is required at this link.

In this participatory cooking workshop, attendees will learn easy recipes whose ingredients are re-introduced fruits and vegetables that were dropped out of the market because of various reasons (overproduction, aesthetics…). Besides, they will get a free ticket to visit, that day, the exhibition MENJA, ACTUA, IMPACTA (EAT, ACT, IMPACT), which runs on healthy and sustainable food.

This meeting is part of the cycle of conferences belonging to the European program EAT:LIFE, organised by Fundesplai. On this occasion, the practice will be carried out by SObres Mestres, an entity that fights food waste since 2017. They are specialized in reusing foods, such as vegetables, fruits, vegetables and handmade bread.

INST ENG Cuina Estiu

The EAT:LIFE project has received funding from the Life Programme of the European Union. The contents of this activity are the sole responsibility of Fundesplai and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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