YoPeVa is a European Commission, through the Erasmus Plus program, funded project aimed to improve job skills among young people.

YoPeVa is a European Commission, through the Erasmus Plus program, funded project. It is led by Fundesplai and the suport of University of Barcelona and organizations from Sweden (Vuxenutbildningen Boras), Romania (ACDC), Italy (CESIE), the Netherlands (Business Development Friedland) and Portugal (Fundaçao da Juventude). The City Council of Cornellà de Llobregat has also participated in the kick off meeting which took place between 18 and 20 of january.

yopeva 20210119 web

Its aim is to adapt Fundesplai’s “Jove Valor” program to the European context and enrich it with partners experiences. For 24 months, the partners will draw up a plan to be able to implement Young Value in their countries.

The kick off meetings have allowed members to learn more about this initiative, which Fundesplai has been promoting since 2017, and which has obtained very positive results in terms of job inclusion and returning to education. The methodology presented combines a training process, work skills and professional experience in a host company. The meeting was also attended by the organization Renapsi, which carries out the Jovem Aprendiz initiative in Brazil, inspiring the Young Value.

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