Fundesplai is present during the midday time in 47 schools where it encourages the participation of children in the educational activities that are developed, promoting a healthy diet and life with values.

SANTMARTINFundesplai is present during the midday time in 47 schools where it encourages the participation of children in the educational activities that are developed, promoting a healthy diet and life with values.

Midday time in schools can be a time filled with magic and adventure. At Escola Sant Martí the P5 monitors of Fundesplai are working on values through a very special character that has all children in awe.  This week has come to see us and all the P5 children are very excited, what adventures await us?

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Som Fundesplai

Som Fundesplai, una entitat sense ànim de lucre amb la missió d'educar els infants i joves, enfortir les entitats de lleure i el Tercer Sector, millorar el medi ambient i promoure la ciutadania i la inclusió social, amb voluntat transformadora.

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