The ESTIMA project, an Erasmus+ youth exchange initiative, has successfully concluded. This project focused on promoting well-being and emotional support, emphasizing the importance of mental health for young participants aged 18 to 29. Held from November 25 to December 1 at Fundesplai’s headquarters in El Prat de Llobregat and other locations in Barcelona, the project brought together 45 young people in vulnerable situations from partner organizations: Fundação da Juventude from Portugal (Porto) and Cooperativa Folias from Italy (Rome), with Fundesplai as the organizing and coordinating entity. Additionally, 6 educational professionals accompanied the young participants throughout the exchange.

ESTIMA, an Erasmus+ Youth exchange for emotional well-being

The project achieved significant milestones in enhancing the mental and emotional health of the young participants. Key accomplishments include:

  • Raising Awareness:One of the primary objectives was to increase awareness among young people about the importance of maintaining their emotional and mental health, focusing on stress management and self-esteem.
  • Practical Skills Training:The project provided young people with practical skills to manage emotional conflicts, anxiety, and other daily challenges.
  • Promoting Self-Care and Resilience:Through healthy self-care practices, the project fostered resilience, enabling young people to effectively face life’s challenges.

The ESTIMA initiative encouraged participants to better understand themselves, develop inner emotional strength, and cultivate respect and affection for themselves and others. Group dynamics, debates, and various activities highlighted mental health challenges and equipped participants with resources for detection, self-awareness, and emotional management. These tools aim to combat exclusion, rejection, prejudice, isolation, and social exclusion.

In addition to focusing on emotional well-being, the project also created spaces for coexistence and well-being, promoting personal and cultural exchange through cultural and artistic visits, leisure activities, and relational events.

ESTIMA exemplifies European commitment to youth mobility, non-formal learning, and networking with other social entities, fostering active participation and critical thinking among young participants.

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