Fundesplai joins the European networks Eurochild and CEFEC-Social Firms Europe, and the international platform School Meals Coalition to advance our commitment to childhood, employment for disadvantaged individuals, and healthy eating.

At the end of May, Fundesplai became a member of Eurochild, a European network of organizations working with and for children. It consists of 211 members across 42 countries and aims to promote positive changes in the lives of children, particularly those in vulnerable situations. We participated in the Eurochild convention in Malta, where we had the opportunity to meet other organizations, learn, and collaborate on various topics of interest for children, such as child participation and digital child protection.

Joining Eurochild coincided with our entry into CEFEC-Social Firms Europe, a network of over 70 members in 28 countries that fosters the exchange of experiences and supports initiatives for the employment of disadvantaged individuals. Additionally, Fundesplai has also joined the School Meals Coalition, a platform comprising 105 countries and 135 partners dedicated to facilitating healthy eating for children.

Joining these three networks in 2024 strengthens Fundesplai’s internationalization efforts, which already include collaborations with other organizations such as La Liga Iberoamericana de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil and the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, focused on promoting youth employment through practical experiences.

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Som Fundesplai, una entitat sense ànim de lucre amb la missió d'educar els infants i joves, enfortir les entitats de lleure i el Tercer Sector, millorar el medi ambient i promoure la ciutadania i la inclusió social, amb voluntat transformadora.

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