This conference is co-organized by Fundesplai and the Fundació CRAM (Foundation for the Conservation and Recovery of Marine Animals) and it will take place online on Thursday, the 26th of May, at 18.00 h.

Which alternatives are out there to regular fishing? It is possible to eat fish in a more responsible way?

Those arguments will be resolved on Thursday, the 26th of May, at 18.00 h, at the online conference «Fishing and consumption: a responsible way». It is co-organized by Fundesplai and the Fundació CRAM and belongs to the cycle of conferences run by the European project EAT:LIFE.


The congress will include three main interventions. The first one will see the representative of the Fundació CRAM, Irene Antúnez, who will explain the impacts of overfishing on marine ecosystems and health.

Next, Anna Bozzano, a member of the organization El Peix al Plat («The Fish on the Plate»), will introduce local fishing as an alternative to regular fishing. Last, Ignasi Gairín, a member of IRTA (Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology), will talk about aquaculture, which will mean the end of the round of presentations. Straightaway, there will be some time for Q&A and discussions with the participating public.

The EAT:LIFE project has received funding from the Life Programme of the European Union. The contents of this conference are the sole responsibility of Fundesplai and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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